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A Divisional workshop on implementation and enforcement of amended tobacco control law was conducted at conference room of Divisional Director (Health)’s Office, Sylhet on 20 March 2014. National Tobacco Control Cell, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare organized the workshop with the technical assistance from The Union.
Ms. Roxana Quader, Additional Secretary (PH & WHO), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was present in the workshop as a Chief Guest. Dr. Md. Azharul Islam, Civil Surgeon, Sylhet, Mr. Sheikh Motiar Rahman, Additional District Magistrate, Sylhet and Md. Monirul Islam, Deputy Director, Family Planning was present as resource person in the workshop. Representatives from Government high officials, media personnel, civil society and other stakeholders were also present there. The workshop was chaired by Dr. Banadip Lal Das, Divisional Director (Health) Sylhet. The sessions of the workshop was moderated by Dr. Rahat Iqbal Chowdhury, MO-CS, Civil Surgeon Office, Sylhet.
In the inaugural session Dr. Sheikh Emdadul Haque, Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer, Sadar Sylhet delivered the welcome address. Mr. Md. Amin Ul Ahsan, Coordinator, National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has coordinated the workshop and delivered a power point presentation on tobacco control law and its implementation and enforcement at divisional level.

Coordinator (Joint Secretary)