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The World No Tobacco Day was observed all over Bangladesh, as in other countries on May 31, 2011. Government and various non-government organizations and civil societies’ of Bangladesh organized rallies, discussions, seminars, prize giving ceremonies and other advocacy programme in observance of the day. This year the theme of World No Tobacco Day 2011 is "The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control".
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) organized a discussion meeting at Osmani Memorial Hall, Dhaka with the technical assistance from WHO, Bangladesh. Professor AFM Ruhal Haque, Honorable Minister for Ministry of Health & Family Welfare was present as Chief Guest and Dr. Capt. (Rtd.) Mozibur Rahman Fakir, Honorable State Minister for Ministry of Health & Family Welfare was present as special guest. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Meanwhile Prof. Dr. Khondhaker Md. Shefyetullah Chowdhury, Director General of Health Services, Directorate General of Health Services and Dr. Arun Bhadra Thapa, WHO Representative to Bangladesh were present as Guests of honor. The Heath Minister AFM Ruhal Haque said that his ministry had asked for raising the taxes on tobacco products in the national budget for the coming fiscal year. He also said that the government had taken initiative to strengthen the present “The Smoking and Using of Tobacco Products (Control) Act 2005”.He added that he asked for policy adoption to discourage farmers from growing tobacco by offering them interest free loans for cultivating alternative crops. Dr. Capt. (Rtd.) Mozibur Rahman Fakir, Honorable State Minister for Ministry of Health & Family Welfare emphasized on raising taxes on all tobacco products and to enhance awareness specially among the young.

Coordinator (Joint Secretary)