World No Tobacco Day 2012
The World No Tobacco Day has been celebrated throughout Bangladesh in befitting manner on 31 May.
The national programme was held at Osmani Memorial Auditorium in the morning, jointly organized by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH) and WHO Country Office. The venue was decorated with blue balloons and WNTD posters.
Senior Secretary of MoH chaired the meeting while Hon’ble Health Minister Professor Dr. A.F.M.Ruhal Haque graced the occasion as chief guest.
Advisor to Hon’ble Prime Minister Professor Dr. Syed Modasser Ali , Hon’ble State Minister for MoH Captain (Rtd) Dr. Mozibur Rahman Fakir, Governor – Bangladesh Bank, Acting WHO Representative to Bangladesh, Director General of Health Services, President & General Secretary of Bangladesh Medical Association were present as special guests.
Senior Government officials, members of civil society, NGO workers, members of scout and anti-tobacco activists attended the programme.
Dignitaries in their speeches spoke about detrimental effects of tobacco on health, economy, environment and society. The have reiterated the importance of amendment of tobacco control law to align it with FCTC guideline, better enforcement of law, creation of public awareness and higher tax on tobacco products. Hon’ble Health Minister informed that MoH has received comments on law amendment proposal from Ministry of Finance and MoH has started working on it. He also emphasized on imposition of 2% sin tax on all types of tobacco products.
In the programme, Acting WR formally handed over the memento and certificate of WNTD 2012 award to Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr Atiur Rahman. The World Health Organization deemed it an honour to acknowledge, with deep appreciation, the outstanding contributions of Dr Rahman to safeguard the citizens of Bangladesh from the devastating consequences of tobacco. Dr Rahman thanked WHO for recognizing his contributions towards tobacco control in Bangladesh and committed to continue his battle against tobacco.
The program ended with speech from Senior Secretary, MOH.