District meeting on Tobacco Control Law in Chapainawabganj
District meeting on Tobacco Control Law in Chapainawabganj
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District meeting on Tobacco Control Law in Naogaon
District meeting on Tobacco Control Law in Naogaon
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District meeting on Tobacco Control Law in Chittagong
District meeting on Tobacco Control Law in Chittagong
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District meeting on Tobacco Control Law in Pabna
District meeting on Tobacco Control Law in Pabna
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District meeting on Tobacco Control Law in Khulna
District meeting on Tobacco Control Law in Khulna
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Coordination meeting on 21.03.2019
Coordination meeting of NTCC with different anti-tobacco organizations (INGOs, NGOs) was held on 21.3.19 (11 am) at the conference room of Health Economics Unit. Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman Khan, Additional Secretary (world health & public health), Health Services Division was the honourable Chairperson of this meeting. Mr. Md. Khalilur Rahman, Joint Secretary and Coordinator, National Tobacco Control Cell was also present as moderator. Md. Shafiqul Islam, Head of programs, Vital Strategies; Md. Zakir Hossain, Deputy Secretary (WH-2), Dr. Syed Mahfuzul Huq, NPO WHO; Syed Mahbubul Alam, Technical Advisor, The Union and member from other government, international and non-government organization were also…
Several meeting on preparation of 'Road map' to make the country tobacco free by 2040
"Meeting on prepare road-map to make the country tobacco free by 2040"; was held on 09.01.2018 at the conference room of Health Economics Unit. Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman Khan, Additional Secretary (Public Health and World Health), Health Services Division presided this meeting. Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam, Head of Programs, Vital Strategy; Mr. Md. Shariful Alam, Chief consultant, CTFK; Mr. Md. Khalilur Rahman, Coordinator of NTCC; Md. Motaher Hossain, Deputy Secretary (WH-1), Health Services Division, MoHFW; Dr. Syed Mahfuzul Haq, NPO of WHO and other distinguished member from different INGO and NGO's were also present at the meeting. Preparation of ‘Road-map’ was…

Coordination meeting on 29.11.2018
Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman Khan (Habib Khan), Additional Secretary (Public Health and World Health), Health Servcies Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare chaired coordination meeting on tobacco control held at Health Economics Unit meeting room on 29/11/2018. Mr. Md. Khalilur Rahman, Coordinator (Joint Secretary) of National Tobacco Control Cell and Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam, Head of Programs of Vital Strategies speak while meeting facilitated by Dr. Md. Farhadur Reza Nayan, Program Officer of NTCC. Different distinguished member from other government, international and non-government organization were also present at the meeting and they present their works they have done in the…
Workshop for Sanitary Inspector on 10-11 September and 1-2nd October, 2018
Capacity Building Workshop for Enforcement of Tobacco Control Law; Refresher training for sanitary inspector (in 4 batches) held at BMA bhaban on 10-11 September and 1-2nd October, 2018.
Coordination meeting on 09.09.2018
On 09.09.2018, Coordination meeting of NTCC with different anti-tobacco organizations (INGOs, NGOs) was held at the conference room of Health Economics Unit. Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman Khan, Additional Secretary (world health & public health), Health Services Division was the honorable Chairperson of this meeting. Md. Khairul Alam Shiekh, Joint Secretary and Coordinator, National Tobacco Control Cell was also present as moderator. Member from other government, international and non-government organization were also present at the meeting and they present their works they have done in the month of June-August regarding tobacco control and also present their future work plan for the…

Meeting for formulating policy to discourage tobacco farming and to switch to alternative crops
Meeting for formulating policy to discourage tobacco farming and to switch to alternative crops
A meeting for formulating policy to discourage tobacco farming and to switch to alternative crops was held on April 6, 2015 at conference room of Health Economics Unit of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW). National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) of MOHFW arranged the meeting to formulate the policy discussing with the stakeholders in tobacco farming.
The meeting was presided over by Ms Roxana Quader, Additional Secretary (PH & WHO), MOHFW while Mr Md. Amin Ul Ahsan, Coordinator of NTCC was the moderator of the…
Divisional and district workshops on implementation and enforcement of Tobacco Control Law
District workshop on implementation and enforcement of TC Law- June 2015:
Two district workshops on implementation and enforcement of TC law was held in June 2015. A workshop at Chapainawabganj was arranged in the conference room of Office of Deputy Commissioner on 24th June, 2015 where 42 participants had attended.
Another District workshop at Lalmonirhat was arranged in the conference room of Office of Deputy Commissioner on 28th June, 2015 where 41 participants had attended.
District workshop on implementation and enforcement of TC Law- August 2015:
Two district workshops on implementation and enforcement of TC law was held in August…

Capacity Building Training for the Executive Magistrates on Tobacco Control Law
Capacity Building Training for the Executive Magistrates on Tobacco Control Law
Two one day long capacity building trainings for Executive Magistrates on tobacco control law was conducted on 13-14 July 2014 at Meghna Hall of BIAM Foundation, Dhaka. National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) with the Technical Assistance from The Union arranged the training to orient Executive Magistrates better with tobacco control law and its enforcement.The training was conducted for two batches. The first batch received training on 13 July 2014 and there were trainees from Dhaka, Barisal and Khulna division. While the…

District workshop at Madaripur
District workshop at Madaripur
National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) with the technical assistance from The Union organized a workshop on implementation and enforcement of amended tobacco control law at the conference room of Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Madaripur on 17 June 2014. The workshop was organized to sensitize different stakeholders of government and non-government high officials, civil society representatives and media personnel. All were informed about the specific roles to implement tobacco control activities at local level. The participants have committed to devote their best efforts in respective sector to ensure enforcement of tobacco…

District workshop at Jessore
District workshop at Jessore
A workshop on implementation and enforcement of amended tobacco control law was conducted at conference room of Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Jessore on 11 June 2014. National Tobacco Control Cell, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare organized the workshop with the technical assistance from The Union.
The workshop was organized to sensitize different stakeholders of government and non-government high officials, civil society representatives and media personnel. All were informed about the specific roles to implement tobacco control activities at local level. The participants have committed to devote their best efforts in respective sector to ensure enforcement of…

District workshop at Munshiganj
District workshop at Munshiganj
National Tobacco Control Cell, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare organized a workshop on implementation and enforcement of amended tobacco control law at Conference Room of Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Munshiganj on 24 April 2014 with the technical assistance of The Union.
Mr. Goutam Aich Sarker, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was present in the workshop as Chief Guest. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam, Civil Surgeon, Munshiganj, Dr. Md. Rezwanul Karim, UH&FPO, Sadar, Munshiganj were present as resource person in the workshop. Representatives from Government high officials, media personnel, civil society and other stakeholders were…

District workshop at Rangpur
District workshop at Rangpur
National Tobacco Control Cell, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare organized a workshop on implementation and enforcement of tobacco control law with the technical assistance from The Union at the conference room of Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Rangpur on 31 March 2014.
Ms. Sayda Anowara Begum, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was present in the workshop as Chief Guest. Dr. Md. Reajul Islam, Civil Surgeon, Rangpur, Ms. Tanima Tasnim, Additional District Magistrate, Rangpur and Khandakar Md. Shameem Hossain, Additional Superintendent of Police, Rangpur were present as resource person in the workshop. Representatives from Government…

Divisional workshop at Sylhet
Divisional workshop at Sylhet
A Divisional workshop on implementation and enforcement of amended tobacco control law was conducted at conference room of Divisional Director (Health)’s Office, Sylhet on 20 March 2014. National Tobacco Control Cell, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare organized the workshop with the technical assistance from The Union.
Ms. Roxana Quader, Additional Secretary (PH & WHO), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was present in the workshop as a Chief Guest. Dr. Md. Azharul Islam, Civil Surgeon, Sylhet, Mr. Sheikh Motiar Rahman, Additional District Magistrate, Sylhet and Md. Monirul Islam, Deputy Director, Family Planning was present as…

District workshop at Kushtia
District workshop at Kushtia
A day long workshop on implementation of tobacco control law and its enforcement was conducted in the conference room of Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Kushtia on 24 March 2014. National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) arranged the workshop with the technical Assistance from The Union.
Mr Md. Ejaz Ahmed Jaber, Deputy Secretary (Public Health-3), MOHFW graced the occasion as chief guest and Mr Md. Amin Ul Ahsan, Coordinator, NTCC, MOHFW, Mr. Md. Asgar Ali, General Secretary, Awami League, Kushtia, Dr. Azizun Nahar, Assistant Director, 250 bed General Hospital, Kushtia was…

Divisional Workshop at Sylhet
Divisional Workshop at Sylhet
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) organized divisional workshop at Sylhet division. The programs are held on 30 November 2011. The divisional commissioner of respective division addressed his speech as chief guest and divisional director (Health) chaired the session. The workshop organized to sensitize different stakeholders of government and non-government high officials, civil society representative and media personnel at Sylhet division.
All were informed about the specific role to implement tobacco control activities at local level. Officials of GO and NGO has committed to devote their best effort in respective sector to ensure enforcement…